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12+ ST Datnoid

Author: Time:2021-12-1139 second

Information summary:  1 x ST Datnoid around 12" asking $600, blind in one eye, i received him that way. Very healthy, fat, eats like he hasnt eaten in months!!!12"+ ST Da...., violet fusion super red, pan african, arwana ultra red, Hows it going eh.12+ ST Datnoid

  1 x ST Datnoid around 12" asking $600, blind in one eye, i received him that way. Very healthy, fat, eats like he hasnt eaten in months!!!
12"+ ST Datnoid Arowanaclub Canada
1 x ST Datnoid around 12" asking $600, blind in one eye, i received him that way. Very healthy, fat, eats like he hasnt eaten in months!!!
im open to offers.....
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